Webcasts on What Works, K-12

SchoolsMovingUp has archived webcasts from the WestEd research laboratory. It includes resources materials. You can watch and listen to the presentation, questions, and discussion of over 89 webcasts from the last two years. Here is a sample:

* Formative Assessment: Improving Teaching and Learning with Margaret Heritage and Ellen Osmundson
* Closing the Learning Gap: Steps That Work
* Quality Teaching for English Learners: High Challenge and High Support
* Making Standards-based Lessons Understandable for English Learners: The SIOP Model
* English Learners in Secondary Mathematics: Rigor and Excellence
* What the Research Does—and Does Not—Say about Teaching ELL
* Doing What Works: Teaching Elementary-School English Learners
* Early Childhood Education Initiatives for Raising Program Quality
* RTI in a Secondary School Setting
* RTI Process Steps
* Critical Science Vocabulary
* A County Immersed in Vocabulary
* Using Formative Assessments to Accelerate the Academic Achievement of English Learners
* The Key Three Routine: Comprehension Strategy Instruction
* Data Use and Teacher Collaboration: One School’s Success Story
* The Envision Schools Approach to Project-Based Learning
* Reading Science for Understanding in Middle and High School
* Standards-Based Instruction: Is It Possible for Students with Disabilities?
* Word Lists: Choices and Uses