Make Educational Comic Strips, K-12

MakeBeliefsComix is an online educational comic generator. Teachers can use it to help students share their ideas or as a tool to help deaf and autistic students communicate. This site is a motivating resource to encourage writing skills and to practice vocabulary or storytelling skills. Students choose a human or animal character, pick a mood and then fill in a talk or thought balloon in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Latin. Students can make print or electronic copies of their own comics. The site has a story ideas tab for helping struggling writers get started. For more help in their writing, students can go to MakeBeliefsComix creator Bill Zimmerman’s blog at to see even more writing prompts that get them thinking and writing. Students’ written responses to the prompts can also be posted if they are sent to Zimmerman.

Remember to access Com Cat at to find all kinds of graphic novels available in the Heartland children’s and young adult library as extensions of a comic strip unit.