Teaching Diversity, K-12

These Web sites can be used to teach about diversity. They include practical tips, lesson plans, articles, and strategies about teaching diversity and multiculturalism.

Anti-Defamation League: Tools for Teachers
Directed specifically at educators with practical tips. The site has additional links and information about teaching about religion in public schools.

Culturally Responsive Teaching
Contains information and strategies from Brown University for adapting teaching to meet the needs of all students.

Diversity Calendar
Includes monthly listings of ethnic, national, and religious days.

Multicultural Education and Ethnic Groups: Selected Internet Sources
A mix of Web resources on multicultural education and diversity, including background articles, Web sites for K-12 teachers, bibliographies, biographies, ethnic cooking, religion, etc. from the California State University-Stanislaus Library.

Reading Resources: Celebrate Reading 365 Days a Year-Multicultural Web Resources
Includes Web resources that promote multiculturalism through literature.

Southern Poverty Law Center: Teaching Tolerance
Free materials are available for teaching about multicultural issues.