Want to link science, social studies or political science content to the Deepwater Horizon (BP) oil spill? Check out the collection of free resources gathered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). There are teaching suggestions for different grade levels, videos of the gulf coast ecosystem, an interactive map showing the spread of the spill, and links to online lessons on everything from how ecosystems naturally purify water (including a virtual tour of an “urban river”) to role-plays on the tradeoffs between development and preservation of the environment. There is also a collection of news articles on the science of the oil spill.
Remember the additional online resources provided by Heartland for teachers and students at home and at school. There are resources on the BP Oil Spill in each of these databases: EBSCO, Discovery Education Streaming, SIRS Researcher, World Book. Go to Com Cat at to search all these databases at the same time.