Math Snacks Learning Animations, 6-8
These short animations present a math concept. They can be placed on mobile devices such as iPods for homework. The accompanying print materials can assist students in applying their conceptual understanding to math problems.
Sample Math Snacks:
Bad Date
This animation visualizes the ratio of words spoken on a series of dates.
Proportions as multiplicative situations
Proportional relationships can be related to a common rate in direct variations

This animation shows how “Rulers” value proper units and proportional details.
Various techniques are helpful in solving proportion, including tables, graphs, measurement, and equations
Given an application problem, using the units can help to set up the correct proportion
When proportions are graphed on a coordinate plane, the graph is linear

Scale Ella
This animation has a crusading superhero clarifying and using scale factor.
Objects that are scale representations of each other have the same shape but not the same size, and the size difference is related to the scale factor

Atlantean Dodgeball
This animation shows how ratio errors confuse one of the coaches in an epic dodgeball tournament.
Ratios can represent part–whole or part–part relationships

Number Rights
This animation shows a passionate activist clarifying equality on a number line.
Equality and order on the number line
Number line properties

Pearl Driver
This animation features a mini-game to explain equality on number line.
Equality and order on the number line
Number line properties