Teaching Copyright, 9-12

As today’s students become more involved with using technology in school, at work, and for entertainment, it is important to make sure they know their legal rights and responsibilities under copyright law and how it affects their creativity. This copyright curriculum is divided into units with lesson plans, objectives, handouts, and alignment to standards. The curriculum helps students understand and exercise their digital rights and responsibilities and fosters basic skills in research, writing, and critical thinking. Questions about copyright, technology, and law, such as the following are examined:
What is legal online?
How is creativity being enabled by new technologies?
What digital rights and responsibilities exist already, and what roles do we play as users of digital technology?

Lesson topics include: the history of copyright law; the relationship between copyright and innovation; fair use and its relationship to remix culture; peer-to-peer file sharing; and the interests of the stakeholders that ultimately affect how copyright is interpreted by copyright owners, consumers, courts, lawmakers, and technology innovators.